Monday, March 15, 2010

margarita cupcakes

a friend of mine was having a purple patron party. i wanted to make cupcakes for the party and being that it was a tequila party, what would have been better than margarita cupcakes?

when i was throwing the idea around with my family, all i got was squished up faces and noses turned up. noone could imagine tequila in a cupcake.

i ended up making two different cupcakes. both cakes had liquor in them, but the "spiked" cake had liquor in the icing and the "virgin" cake just had margarita mix in the icing for flavor.

i wanted to decorate them to look like little margaritas. i did two different styles and ended up liking the more simple cake. i was pretty happy with the outcome, but these will definitly have to be a special order cupcake. they were much more expensive to make. however, they were delish!

look! people are taking pictures of my cupcakes!
here are some of their pictures


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